TNF #101: Humor epiphany

Welcome Professionals…

…I had an epiphany a while ago. I re-discovered the importance of humor in my life, especially in my business life.

Humor has always played a major role in my life. Fortunately, I had a happy childhood in my family with 3 younger brothers where we always had some funny banter going on. As a school kid I used to tell lots of jokes and later at university, I participated in a student comedy contest. With a friend I founded a satire magazine, one of the first published in the internet back in 1996.

When I entered my job as a top management consultant something changed. I remember my first project where we celebrated the final milestone of the project with in a dinner meeting with our client. Soon enough I found myself joking around with the client, in part recycling some bits of my comedy repertoire. I think we had a fun time and I thought the client as well. Except for my project leader.


As I found out during the final feedback round, my project leader rated my behaviour at the dinner table as completely inappropriate. He evaluated my client handling skills as unsatisfactory as a result.

My epiphany occurred when I realized that my long forgotten experience with my first project leader still influences me in client contacts. At least in high-rank client contacts, it makes me act more serious than necessary. Seriousness is an extremely important trait in top management consulting, but overdone it can show as rigidity. So I am acknowledging the situation in my early career that made me suppress the humorous part of my personality. With new confidence I am deliberately adding more fun, banter, and humor to my client interactions. It leads me to come across as a more rounded personality and is relieving tension in various situation. After all, it is more fun to work this way!

Have fun,


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