Tag Archives: sharing economy

TNF #127: Sharing economy

Welcome Professionals…

…a problem shared is a problem halved – this is an old welknown proverb.

Two weeks ago I ran into a big problem. I will not go into details, but it was bothering me so much that it affected my work, my overall mood, and my sleep.

Since then I have shared the problem with many different people, including my wife, co-workers, friends. I shared it openly with about 20 people. I openly admitted that I do not understand what I did wrong and if I did something wrong at all.

It was amazing. I received so much emotional support and good practical clues. It all motivated me to go through a tedious process to recapitulate the whole project from the start to the point of failure. And finally, the solution was found and implemented right away together with a colleague. Teaming up and putting it to work felt like a great relieve. A simple solution after two weeks of struggle.

Most of the time, I feel reluctant to share my problems with someone. I have the feeling that it is a sign of weakness if I cannot figure it out by myself. In the end I must admit, it is much more clever to use the problem solving skills of a group of people.

Just like the sharing economy of UBER and Airbnb uses infrastructure more efficiently. Let’s make use of the power of many brains and share!

Thanks for sharing,
