Tag Archives: problem solving

TNF #127: Sharing economy

Welcome Professionals…

…a problem shared is a problem halved – this is an old welknown proverb.

Two weeks ago I ran into a big problem. I will not go into details, but it was bothering me so much that it affected my work, my overall mood, and my sleep.

Since then I have shared the problem with many different people, including my wife, co-workers, friends. I shared it openly with about 20 people. I openly admitted that I do not understand what I did wrong and if I did something wrong at all.

It was amazing. I received so much emotional support and good practical clues. It all motivated me to go through a tedious process to recapitulate the whole project from the start to the point of failure. And finally, the solution was found and implemented right away together with a colleague. Teaming up and putting it to work felt like a great relieve. A simple solution after two weeks of struggle.

Most of the time, I feel reluctant to share my problems with someone. I have the feeling that it is a sign of weakness if I cannot figure it out by myself. In the end I must admit, it is much more clever to use the problem solving skills of a group of people.

Just like the sharing economy of UBER and Airbnb uses infrastructure more efficiently. Let’s make use of the power of many brains and share!

Thanks for sharing,


TNF #069: Problem solving process

Welcome Professionals…

…Problem solving is a process, it is very rare that the solution hits us like a lightning bolt. Solutions usually need to be crafted over time through various iterations.

However, from time to time I catch myself waiting for this kind of lightning bolt. I find myself chewing on a problem, ruminating for hours and hoping that I will find that final answer. But all ruminating won’t solve the problem for me.

What works is to get started in a creation process. Trying to formulate ideas, write down evaluations, set cornerstones, and jot down design sketches. Through the process of physical activity I come to iterative conclusions until the solution is found.

problem solving

Complex problem solving needs plenty of operations. If I try to retain all intermediate results in my memory, it is clear that doing the next calculation becomes harder the more I have to memorize. It is much easier to roll out ideas on paper (or on a screen if you like) step-by-step. My brain can use full capacity for each next operation.

This is why it is so important to sit down and get started with the creative production process. I like to think about problem solving as a craft, not an art.

Wishing you sound solutions


Thursday Night Flight is brought to you by Malte Müller Professionals. Sharing best practices for top management consultants on topics like communication, client handling, problem solving, appearance, and fitness. Check out www.mm-professionals.com for more material and free resources!