Tag Archives: mistake

TNF #026: Saturday is the new Thursday

Welcome Professionals…

…I have made a mistake and I beg your pardon. For the first time after 25 publications of Thursday Night Flight, I have broken the chain. I missed out on Thursday, 24th of March 2016. I am truly sorry for all irritation and disappointment this might have caused on your side, my dear readers.

I am feeling bad for disappointing my readers and I did also disappoint myself. I have broken my resolution of publishing something useful for top management consutants every Thursday and I will do my best to return to the steady schedule immediately again.

This statement goes in line with my new resolution to admit mistakes quickly and emphatically. This principle is taken from a very famous book of Dale Carnegie: “If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically.” It makes great sense to me, both for private and business relationships.


In the past, I have had a different view. I would try to avoid mistakes by all means and would be very reluctant to admit any mistake. This is quite common for the perfectionist point of view, but it is foolish to believe one could get away without any mistakes being noticed. In fact, I know that I do make mistakes from time to time and that it is best to admit them to the client as quickly and emphatically as I can.

For the stated example of slipping the publication date for Thursday Night Flight, I could have remained silent. Hoping to get away with it without further notice. I could have found lots of excuses, some of them quite valid from my point of view. But I decided to openly admit and beg for your pardon.

Please accept my sincere applogies!


Thursday Night Flight is brought to you by Malte Müller Professionals. Sharing best practices for top management consultants on topics like communication, client handling, problem solving, appearance, and fitness. Check out www.mm-professionals.com for more material and free resources!