Monthly Archives: April 2017

TNF #083: Core values revisited

Welcome Professionals…

…I am writing to you from Oslo, Norway, where I am meeting our international partner firms that we have in more than 30 countries. It is exciting to share best practices and learn from each other.

For this conference I had to prepare a presentation on our company. When presenting to fellows who follow the same business model, I wanted to go beyond the typical slides that we normally show to our clients.

I started out with a summary on our brand awareness in Switzerland, the track record and reach of our marketing work, our specific approach to executive search, and some war stories in client development. When I discussed this with the founder and Senior Partner of our firm, we found the overarching theme that connected all these bits and pieces: our core values.

core values

What we are trying to convey at the conference is: Why are we operating in this way and not another? What is it that clients value about our work? Why do we have a brand image like this and how did we create it? It all links back to our core values.

I realized how important it is to go through such an exercise from time to time. It helps to question the ongoing business and to focus on your strengths. It sharpens the key marketing messages around the USP. And by discussing this with other experts, it helps to challenge your own view about it.

So, enjoy your journey while revisiting the core


Thursday Night Flight is brought to you by Malte Müller Professionals. Sharing best practices for top management consultants on topics like communication, client handling, problem solving, appearance, and fitness. Check out for more material and free resources!

TNF #082: Twitter for B2B Marketing?

Welcome Professionals…

…Today, I am actually asking you for best practices. Just out of curiosity as I am currently starting to explore the opportunities on Twitter for B2B marketing purposes.

I am currently recruiting a Head of Digital Marketing and for that matter, I am talking to various specialists in that field. I have been talking to one professional who is leading a team of 15 people on an acitivity that they call “social selling”. That is, supporting the sales force in producing expert content on social media such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter in order to generate more B2B sales leads.


I would have expected this in the consumer segment, but I was quite surprised that marketing on Twitter also applies to the B2B segment. If a company invests into 15 marketing specialists providing tips and tricks for the sales force in pimping their Twitter accounts, I thought there must be some juice in it.

So, I am getting started now with B2B marketing on Twitter. Any experience with this out there? Has anybody tried this in the professional consulting space? Have you created some new leads via your Twitter activity? Please let me know and share your feedback via the comment section or by a post to this group.

Of course, you can tweet your ideas, I am @Headhunter_CH on Twitter.

Looking forward to your tweets and posts,


Thursday Night Flight is brought to you by Malte Müller Professionals. Sharing best practices for top management consultants on topics like communication, client handling, problem solving, appearance, and fitness. Check out for more material and free resources!

TNF #081: Unsubscribe – getting email right

Welcome Professionals…

…With the long Easter weekend ahead of us, let me share a reading recommendation for you. Everyone of us writes and receives emails every day, usually a ton of emails. Statistics say that up to 28% of our active working time is dealing with email. To put an end to this waste of time and getting more done, I recommend you read “Unsubsribe”.

Author Jocelyn K. Glei has drawn together some great best practices around email. I am sure you have heard some of them already, but in this condensed form her book is worth reading. It is a quick read and full of tips and tricks. It even has some email scipts for everyday and advanced situations.

Quite insightful was the author’s statement why email checking is actually addictive. So check it out:

Send me an email when you finished reading the book…


Thursday Night Flight is brought to you by Malte Müller Professionals. Sharing best practices for top management consultants on topics like communication, client handling, problem solving, appearance, and fitness. Check out for more material and free resources!

TNF #080: Your blog can go viral!

Welcome Professionals…

…to the 80th edition of “Thursday Night Flight”! Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts and comments with me!

This blog has been published for 80 weeks in a row. Without a single week skipped. Taken aside my slippage in edition TNF #026.

Every week, I get a few of these messages, that say:

I was just looking at your Malte Mueller Professionals website and see that your website has the potential to become very popular. I just want to tell you, In case you didn’t already know… There is a website service which already has more than 16 million users, and the majority of the users are looking for websites like yours. By getting your website on this service…blah, blah, blah….


I delete these messages right away. I am not keen on pimping my SEO or attracting millions of fake readers to my blog. Let me tell you what drives me:

  1. I said I would build a platform for best practice sharing among consultants. And so I continue doing it. I am just sticking to my plan.

  2. I use this weekly writing as an exercise for sorting my own thoughts. By writing and publishing my perceptions of best practices, it helps me remembering and following these.

  3. I do it for you professionals out there! From time to time I get a personal message with a comment or some ciritcism or a supportive statement. A few readers even share public comments on the web.

I don’t need 16 million readers. I am just looking forward to TNF #081 – next Thursday!

Thank you so much for your support!


Thursday Night Flight is brought to you by Malte Müller Professionals. Sharing best practices for top management consultants on topics like communication, client handling, problem solving, appearance, and fitness. Check out for more material and free resources!